Cruz Vodka clear the air following reported dismissal of AKA

Cruz Vodka clear the air following reported dismissal of AKA

Cruz Vodka clear the air following reported dismissal of AKA

Cruz Vodka clear the air following the reported dismissal of AKA’s influence on the brand. AKA who has been part of the brand for years ended the relationship after Anele died.

Many assumed it was the negative publicity he was getting when social media suggested he was to blame.

In his contract as a brand ambassador to the company, he had two flavors named after him. But now it appears something is going on which led to the announcement from Cruz Vodka.

The reported incident happened to be that the South African market received watermelon-flavored Cruz Vodka bottles with their standard, generic labeling without the AKA’s signature. Meanwhile, his influence on the brand has made his fans like the particular flavor because of his signature on the bottles.

To clear the air, the brand claimed it was a mistake as the bottles released into the South African market were intended to carry AKA’s brand name and was not intended for local market sale.

The brand also made its intentions known to the public that AKA still remains a family to the brand. But this isn’t the first time the company has had issues with AKA fans. It is believed the brand no longer wants to be associated with him.